Story Mode

Think you're the best tamer around? Prove your worth as a Digidestined in Story Mode! Here's the rules:

  • Extract your DigiROM and enter it below to start playing. It's intended that you use the 20th or X Battle battle systems to generate your code.
  • You do NOT have to convert your code before playing, you can just paste exactly what you get from the D-Com.
  • You start with 20 health, which decreases every time you lose.
  • You can revive two times and start from the last checkpoint. You have 10 health with your first revive, and 5 with your second.
  • Progress is saved in your browser's cookies, so if you are taking a beating, you can wait for your Digimon to get stronger and come back later.
  • Swapping Digimon around is encouraged!
  • Attribute matters: Vaccine beats Virus, Virus beats Data, Data beats Vaccine.
  • This is meant to be a journey for you and your Digimon, so start fighting as a Child or Adult, and challenge more as it evolves!

Current Health: 20

Click here to start over



Decimal Power:

Hex Power:

Player Roll:


Current Round Cookie:

Current CheckpointCookie:

Current HealthCookie:

Full Cookie:

Current Round:

Enemy Attribute:

Enemy Power:
